Saturday, July 18, 2009

An introduction to Confucianism - Xinzhong Yao

actually a dry book that could have been more lively if it would have had more stories and examples.

Yet it explains the confucian tradition from different angles and contains lots of information.

good for anyone interested in Chinese culture. Both as an introduction and - i think - and as a tool.


the conscious mind: in search of a fundamental theory - David Chalmers

i didn't finish the book yet, but i had to stop reading it for a while (it sometimes got me the feeling i used to have when doing math). An interesting book from a philosopher (with a background in math and artificial intelligence) on mind. He is intelligent and erudite, but i can't agree with everything.

Though i do like his attacks (i don't agree with all of them, i don't believe in zombies) on materialism and the fact he tries propose a scientifically acceptable theory of mind (the fact he tries is what i like, not the actual outcome for as far as i understand it now).

this book learned me:
-materialism is not what present data makes us believe at all;
-materialism is doubted by a significant number of modern scientists and philosophers


Hidden dimensions: the unification of physics and consciousness - Alan Wallace


great book, great discussions of physics, consciousness, quantum physics and some relations to Buddhism.

Wallace is one of my heroes in a sense: great personality + very erudite.

i should get back to the book, cause i think i learned new things, new notions to handle the book better. will be fun and i will enjoy to re-read chapters.

He showed some things:
-how science is extremely biased - it really is - when approaching the mind.
-that materialism is not as widely accepted as we (i mean non professionals) get it from education (at least: how i got it) and media
-i know nothing about quantum physics :P


Elementaire argumentatieleer - Arne Naess

a great book on applied (yes it is possible) logics. It deals with how to make definitions, how to ''precise'', how to interpret and how to argue. Interesting for people using language and people who want to learn about logic starting not too mathematical.

it sharpened my thinking :)

btw i couldn't find the english title - if there even is a translation - and even couldn't find the Norwegian title :(
