Saturday, January 2, 2010

some books i've read

The end of materialism by Charles Tart
It's a must read for a lot of people, really. But i guess i hoped for 1) more on the proof side or 2) more on the philosophically complicated side or 3) more sociological obervations on science. Nevertheless, it is a good introduction for the science of spirituality and the spirituality of science. :)

Psychology of science by A H Maslow
Frighteningly good psychoanalyses of the scientific program. I used to be quite negative about psychoanalysis, simply because of the popperian argument of ''it is not falsifiable'', but i now see it is actually quite strong (of course, i'm not without influences in my thinking :P - those who know, know). It should be (but is not) compulsory reading for anyone in science or academia.

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